Additionally, EMC EFDs safeguard data with full round-trip error correcting code ( ECC) data integrity protection and destage power backup. 此外,EMCEFD也使用全双工错误修正码(ECC)数据完整性保护和离线电源备份来保护数据。
To propose one publicly detectable watermarking plan using error correcting code. 提出了一种采用纠错码的可以公开检测的水印方案。
An effective unidirectional byte error correcting code and its encoding/ decoding algorithms are introduced in the paper. 介绍了一种有效的字节式单向错误纠错码及其编码和译码算法。
Quantum Error Correcting Code ( QECC) is an important topic in quantum information and has been deeply discussed in recent literature. 量子纠错码(QECC)是量子信息中的重要问题,且在近年来的研究中得到广泛的关注。
Reed-Solomon ( RS) code is a kind of important error correcting code, and it is capable of correcting stochastic and gusty errors, so it is widely used in DVB ( Digital Video Broadcasting) systems and other fields of digital communication. Reed-Solomon(RS)码是一种重要的纠错码,它对随机性和突发性错误有极强的纠错能力,广泛应用于数字视频广播(DVB)系统和其他数字通信领域。
Study of Quantum Error Correcting Code 量子纠错码的研究
The Design and Implementation of Error correcting Code for Video Signals in H.263 H.263视频信号纠错编译码的设计与实现
In addition, we go deep into the research of the technology about error correcting code for video transmission. Based on the MPEG-4, some available methods are presented then. 另外,深入研究了视频传输中差错复原视频编码技术,然后提出了基于MPEG-4标准采用的几种视频编码纠错方法,并通过测试数据说明了它们的优点。
Linear fuzzy error correcting code is discussed and such basic properties of linear fuzzy error correcting code as generator matrix, dual code and so on are studied. 建立了线性模糊纠错码的概念,研究了生成阵、校验阵、对偶码等性质。
Therefore, many ways to improve the reliability of the monitoring system have been studied, such as enlarging the bandwidth, enhancing the power, reducing the noise, or using the error detecting code and error correcting code, etc. 为此,人们研究了很多种提高监测系统通信可靠性的方法,比如,增加带宽、加大功率、降低噪声、使用数据检错码或数据纠错码等。
At the same time, the thesis brings forword a new quantum encryption protocol and analyses its security. The protocol that combines error correcting code, traditional cipher and quantum mechanics uses shared key and single quantum to transfer private message. 本文利用纠错编码、传统密码与量子原理相结合提出了一个基于单量子的量子加密协议,并且分析了量子加密协议的安全性。
Error Correcting Code Performance Testing Simulation Based on Matlab 基于Matlab的纠错码性能测试仿真
Application of Error Correcting Code in M-ary Spread Spectrum Communication System 纠错码在M元扩频通信系统中的应用
The architecture of the platform is presented. Algorithm of data encoding and error correcting code generating of Code one barcode and the implementation of kernel class: element class and panel class is discussed. 给出了平台总体结构设计、Codeone条形码的数据编码和纠错码词求取的算法实现以及平台支撑核心类&元素类和面板类的设计与实现。
Then the redundancy techniques used for designing fault-tolerant computers are presented, which include hardware redundancy, information redundancy and time redundancy. Especially, the RAID and error correcting code technology are analyzed in detail. 介绍了计算机容错设计所采用的硬件冗余、信息冗余和时间冗余技术,着重分析了RAID技术和纠错码技术;
Distributed Secure File System Based on Error Correcting Code 一种基于纠错码的分布式安全文件系统
The Applications of Error Correcting Code to Authentication and Subliminal Channels 8 code. 纠错码在认证和阈下信道中的应用8程序对注入过程中氮浓度随深度的分布进行了模拟。
In order to reduce error code rate in the data link of GPS Vehicular Monitor System, BCH Error Correcting Code is adopted to all the wireless transmitted data. 为降低GPS车辆监控系统数据链传输的误码率,本文对所有需要无线传输的数字信息都进行了BCH纠错编码处理。
Application of parameter induced stochastic resonance and error correcting code technology 参激随机共振及纠错码技术的应用
The code that combat noise is named quantum channel coding. Both quantum error correcting code and quantum error avoiding code are practical quantum channel coding schemes. 克服量子信道噪声的编码就称为量子信道编码,实用的量子信道编码包括量子纠错码和量子避错码。
A communication method combined M_ary spread spectrum with error correcting code is studied. 研究了一种将M元扩频和纠错码相结合的通信方案。
Reed-Solomon ( RS) code is an important cyclic code. It is a powerful error correcting code, with simply encoding and mature effective decoding arithmetic. It is widely applied to varied wireless communication systems. Reed-Solomon(RS)码是一种重要的循环码,它纠错能力强,编码简单,译码算法成熟有效,广泛应用在各种无线通信系统中。
Abstract: According to the formed CD recording information, the principle of digital processing system, audio error correcting code and EFM technology is analyzed and explored. 结合激光唱片记录信息形成过程,对音频数字处理系统。音频纠错编码及EFM调制技术等原理做了分析、探讨。
As the core technology of physical layer in digital communication system, the most important role of channel error correcting code is to ensure the reliability of information transmission. 信道纠错码作为数字通信系统中物理层关键技术的核心,其最大的作用就是保证信息传输的可靠性。
On the base of the conventional watermarking researches, this paper has carried out further study on image and audio watermarking applying key technology, such as chaos theory, error correcting code, spread spectrum, wavelet transform. 本文在深入研究已有数字水印算法的基础上,运用混沌映射、纠错码编码、扩频、小波变换等技术,就数字图像、音频水印技术进行了进一步的研究。
In this paper, we made a detailed introduction to the principle and implementation of the error correcting code and designed two error correcting code encoding of different fields in encoding procedure of two-dimensional character barcode. 本文对该纠错码的原理和实现进行了详细说明,且在字符二维码的编码过程中设计了两次不同域的纠错编码。
The codec of the error correcting code also used Reed-Solomon algorithm, which is used in Data Matrix code and QR code. 在纠错码的编解码设计上,采用了DataMatrix码和QR码使用的Reed-Solomon纠错码。
Error correcting code mainly includes block code and convolutional code. 纠错码主要有分组码和卷积码两种。
The physical structure of nand flash has error probability in information storage, thus it needs error correcting code to enables the reading of information in a reliable way. 闪存的物理结构使其有固定几率的错误发生,需要纠错码技术以保障信息的可靠存储。